Windows — a collection of poems

8 min readJan 10, 2019


Photo by Daniel von Appen on Unsplash


My eyes hurt.

They are broken glass — fractured like a windshield.

I imagine the source — a mass of pressed tissue

Concave, with a hairline fracture spreading

Towards the pupil

Most of it barely visible to anyone

It’s off-center — somewhere to the left, I think

Seemingly benign

But threatening in its fragility.

I’m not sure how it got there. What random mishap

First lodged itself there?

How do I not remember? How did it one day

Just appear.

I feel as though I should know

But I don’t

It’s just this thing that maybe should matter.

But I’m not sure.

It’s just a scar that marks an occasion that happened

Without notice

My eyes hurt.

I close them — press my fingers to the outlying bones

And rub

It’s a small offering — an afterthought of a careless life

How do I not know?

How could I have failed

To keep in check all the things that may in fact

End up ruining everything.


Today I am in a nails on the chalkboard kind of mood

Everyone is a scratchy sweater

Don’t look at me

Your glances are drawn out conversations

And every judgment is a walk that is too long

I lost interest long before you did

Today is burnt popcorn

It is making my eyes water

I want to escape to a room

Where there is more air.

It feels like dry hands

I can’t escape the desire to fix it

And I don’t want to touch ANYTHING

I just need to find some kind of lotion -

Something to soothe my irritation

But you are standing there

Looking at me like an answer to a problem that

I’ve been working on for hours.

Like you’re a solution that can just be handed to me

But I’ve already poured hours into this headache

And I don’t want to be handed a good day with a smile



My father’s heart is kind.

But his lungs are made of smoke and the kind of stubborn

That winds through generations, creating

Sharp edges and sad stories

I can read in my momma’s eyes.

He’s like dancing

A rhythm lost between my feet and hips

Something I can feel, but not


Something that creates loathing and longing at the same time

He snaps his fingers and smiles

Eyes closed

My own eyes burn with memory

And the endless wishing of little girls

I cannot reconcile what I see and feel

I cannot separate the parts of him

That are drugs

And the parts that are genuine

Maybe there isn’t a difference

I wonder if it matters.

Maybe it’s more important that he is nice

But each nice gesture is a plea to forget

An invitation to overlook


I’m not sure if his kindness should

Cover his lack of judgment.

I want it to.

I want to think of the people he’s helped

The kind words and hugs he offers

So freely

But the part of the kindness that covers me

is riddled with holes

It doesn’t feel like warmth.

It feels like resolution.



If your apology was a person
It would be a sprinter
timed for the speed it could fly right by me
wrapped in the contentment of how it
feels to win
My feelings
just a blur on the sideline
My heartbeat
nothing more than a stopwatch

If your love were a thing
it would be a mirror
only existing to make you look good
A tool to improve your image
a device to keep me in two-dimensions
never whole —
not to you

If your anger were a force of nature
it would be a tornado
because you suck all the air out of a room when you lash out
like you are the center of gravity
Your anger spins the things I felt were safe and throws them into the walls of our home

I’ve learned to spot the warnings
sound the alarm
take cover

If leaving you was a color
it would be blue
Blue like the clear summer sky
blue like the waters of the Pacific
endless in its beauty

Now, apologies are prayers
love is a braided rope
Anger is a whisper
And you
are a memory.



I think the couch was brown

I’m not sure.

The house was dirty. But it wasn’t

Mine — so I didn’t care.

Not really

I was focused on your mouth.

The way it moved on mine like I was a delicacy.

Like your tongue could taste my secrets.

Your hands were so careful

On my hips. Strong — like a hug

You were in front of me

Pressing your body against my

Open legs.

I didn’t even realize you were


Didn’t even feel the feather

Thrusts against me

Not until my heart

Began to race

And my breath began to


And I thought, ooooh

Ohhhhh, This is what it’s like

But then

I caught a movement

In the corner of my eye

And your friend was watching

At the window

And suddenly, all the dirtiness of the house

And the grime of the couch

Was caught in my throat


Things fall apart


Unraveling — a hole in a favorite sweater

I don’t want to throw it all away

Just yet

There is comfort in what is familiar

A certain hope that comes with

Having a place to stand

No matter the shaky ground

I collect the fragments of my ideas

Hopes I once called lifestyle

Beliefs I once called friend

Piecing them together

I create something new

Less pretty

Not nearly perfect


Like a prom queen at a class reunion



If I were there a second time

I’d look you in the eyes

Holding your gaze

Pressing upon you the love I couldn’t say

Or even fully feel.

I would wrap myself up beside you

In a tangle of acceptance

Complicated in varied measures of allowances

If I were there a second time

I wouldn’t try so hard to forgive -

To round out the rough edges of

Your vulnerability

I would let you be naked — if even for a moment

Without squinting

To make the picture

Just so

If I were there a second time

I would do it better

I would hold your hand before I ran away

Leaving you to your inward rot

And ringing hell.

I would try

Try to soften your skin

To press my palm against your cheek

To give you some pride

In the growing darkness

I did love you

But I would love you better

If I were there a second time.


The neighbors were at it again

Meticulously manicuring their lawn

Planting flowers in neat little rows

Each an apology for the chaos

Created by angry hands over

A long winter

Green lush grass covering all the ugliness

Of the hard, frozen ground as if

Summer had always been

And there they were

Watering, mowing, fertilizing

Frantically participating in the lie they

Tell themselves every year — that

It will all be okay


One more thing before you go -

I hate the way you talked to me last night

Just to save your ego in front of your friends

You yelled at me

In front of everyone

Until I was nothing but the space between your tongue and teeth

You’re such a small person — but you

Grew ten feet, sucking in all my dignity as you grew taller

I didn’t deserve that.

No one does

One more thing before you go -

I think you’re a shitty person

You’re not very nice and you’re selfish

You should know that sometimes when I look at you

I try to bore the thought into your forehead while i smile

And play nice

You’re so mean and I hate it

But this. This is how it always ends

One more thing before you go -

I love you.

I say it to the back of your head

You didn’t even stop when I called your name

Then I look in the mirror and try

To think I’m strong

But coward is written in my eyes

Just one of the many truths

I can’t escape


I grew up ashamed of my conscience

It made me boring

Like a navy-blue dress, knee length and high collared

It made me feel like a ruler

One everyone measured themselves against

They always came out wanting

And I didn’t even say anything

I was just there

Wearing my conscience like a Sunday suit

It wouldn’t have mattered, I guess

Were it not for the fact that

I was also nice

It really is an unbearable combination

That mix of righteousness and likability

It just makes everyone feel a little ashamed

Or defensive

Or both

Like I was the living embodiment of a New Year’s Resolution


In eight hours I will open my eyes

I will remember in the slow fog of morning

That I am married

I will recall my life in pieces

Placing them on the counter in

Front of me

There is my daughter — I will look at her a while

And wonder at her age (13!)

Here are my sons.

I let my fingers trace their delicate cheeks

And pause

And remember that

I like my life

That I am happy

I collect them

Curling my fingers around each “proof”

But I’ll leave a piece behind as I go

It’s the one that says

Your belong here


This is yours to keep

And I’ll go through my day

As if all the pieces were a whole

As if fear hadn’t gnawed at the edges

In all the places I used to know

For sure


My daughter took too many pills

Two weeks ago

There was no big build up

No big signs

Just a phone call -

Then a ride in an ambulance

A knowledge that she would be okay

And that nothing was okay at all

I felt angry

What was she playing at?

She didn’t mean it

She just wanted attention

And I loved her

Loved her, Goddamnit.

I thought of how she held my hand

And snuggled on the couch

How she had to hear “I love you too”

Every night before she could sleep

I felt like nothing but a warm blanket

A comfort item she had outgrown

And when I found the letters

Oh! How I cried!

She wrote pages and pages to her friends

And a paragraph for me

Keep teaching, she said

I’m sorry

How completely insignificant

A mother’s love can be

Wasn’t it just yesterday that my kisses were magic wands?

I watched her throw up all night in the ICU

She didn’t ask for me to hold her hand

All I could do was look

She is grown now

Past the danger -

But in the dark night

When I close my eyes

I wonder





Written by Saipanhayden

I am an assistant principal at a small middle school. I care deeply about people and I like to find solutions if I can. Life is hard. Let's be kind

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